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THE MORNING CALL                                                                                   SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2019  11
            Continued from page 10

            following a thorough evaluation of the individual’s                                 Gangar tells her patients to think of their calo-
            medical condition and personal concerns. More often                              ries like cash: “If your cash is spent, you don’t have
            than not, however, statins are prescribed as a form                              any credit.” In a world where there are so many
            of prevention and because that individual is a cardiac                           cultural differences and different palates – not to
            risk – not because they have already experienced                                 mention every individual’s taste buds and prefer-
            a heart-related event. Statin therapy can be high,                               ences being different – it’s important that we don’t
            moderate, or low intensity.                                                      cut out the foods we want to indulge in, but that
               “When you put someone on a moderate-                                          they fit inside of our calorie budget for the day and
            intensity statin, like pravastatin, lovastatin or                                for the week.
            low-dose rosuvastatin and atorvastatin, they can                                    “I will never tell a person ‘don’t eat that’. That’s
            decrease cholesterol levels by up to 45 percent, and                             why I’m not into any particular type of diet,” she
            even more when used in conjunction with lifestyle                                stresses. “I’m more about lifestyle changes. You
            changes. They can also decrease cardiovascular                                   need to do things you can incorporate easily into
            mortality when the 10 year calculated ASCVD risk                                 your life – not something you will do for 10 days
            is more than 10% at baseline,” Dr. Gangar says, “if                              and then forget about.”
            we can bring a person’s low-density lipoproteiny lipoprototeieinn
            levels to less than 100.”                                                        Does stress play a role?Does stresess pl
               So, what are the LDL and HDL cholesterolchchololesterol                          Stress can have various effects on the body,Stress cann ha
            ranges and differences? Less than 100 mg/dL (mil-00 mg/dL (mil-                  and one of these is that it may increase cholesterolanand one of thehese
            ligrams per deciliter) is the optimal LDL measure-LDLDL measure-e-               levels. This happens because when the body faceslelevevels. This hapap
            ment, while 100-129 mg/dL is near optimal or aboveopoptimal or aaboveve  Photo courtesy of Steward Medical Group’s Easton Hospital  stress, certain physiological reactions take place,streressss, certain phph
            optimal. Anything over 130 is considered high, whileered high,h, whilele  Jinal Gangar, MD, MPH at Steward Medical Group’s  including changes in hormone levels and compo-includuding changege
            190 and above is considered very high.igh.  Easton Hospital.                     nents in the blood. The thing about stress, however,nentnts in the blolo
               For HDL, less than 40 mg/dL is a major risk fac-aa major risksk fac--         is that it is usually responsible for a short-term raiseis tthahat it is usuaua
            tor for heart disease. 40-59 mg/dL is better, while 60s better, whwhilile 6060   – not a long-term raise – in cholesterol levels.–– not a long-terer
            mg/dL is considered protective against heart disease,instst heart diseaeasese,  According to Dr. Gangar, there are four thingsccordidingng tto Dr. GaGangngarar, ththere are four things  When a person is dealing with stress, their bodyWhen a pepe
                                                    that will actually increase a person’s HDL: exercise;at willl actualallyly increase aa pepersrsonon’s’s HHDLDL:: exexercicise;
            and is subject to gender differences. An HDL ofAnAn HDL of  th                   automatically prepares their heart and other organsautomaticallyy pr
            less than 50 for females and less than 40 for malesan 400 for males  qu          for a high-energy, fight-or-flight response. Their bodyfor a hihighgh-energ
                                                    quitting smoking; increasing fruits and nuts in the dietitting smokiking; increasing fruits and nuts in the diet
            increases cardiovascular risk.          several times a week; and bringing your body massseveral times a week; and brbriningiging your bobodydy mass  will react in certain ways depending on whether thatwill react in cert
               “When do we start treating someone with  index (BMI) within optimal range. These four actions  stressor is dealt with immediately or handled over
            elevated cholesterol?” asks Dr. Gangar. “Let’s say  will also provide overall health benefit.  a longer period of time. Regardless, when dealing
            someone’s LDL is 190. I would definitely put them  “They don’t need to come to me for that –  with stress, the body releases the hormone cortisol
            on a moderate intensity statin, irrespective of if  that’s what I want to encourage. We should all be  – which causes the body to release glucose and fatty
            their HDL is at 60. Or, say a patient has an LDL of  doing these four things. Those are the things that  acids to the muscles and blood for use as energy.
            170, and this person also has a low HDL. I’m more  are in our hands,” says Gangar. “This is a part of  These hormone levels will remain high until the
            inclined to put them on a statin than to wait and  primary prevention.”          person resolves the stressful situation – which is
            watch. Individualized calculations of ASCVD risk is  It is widely understood that being overweight  why the cholesterol threat could be either short
            an optimal approach for patients between 40-70  puts you at a greater risk for heart disease. People  or long-term.
            years of age.”                          who are overweight are not only more likely to  “When steroids are released into your body, they
               Statins can also increase mortality benefits in a  have lower HDL and higher LDL levels, but also high  independently reduce your HDL and increase your
            way that lifestyle changes – such as diet and exer-  blood pressure, pre-diabetes, or sleep apnea.  LDL. That’s how stress plays a role,” explains Dr. Gan-
            cise –clearly cannot, as seen in recent clinical trials.  One may make the argument that you rely on visual  gar. “It’s hard to prove this in any studies because it’s
            Watching a patient’s progress after lifestyle modifica-  appearance to know how much of a dietary change  such a subjective thing. It’s a very subjective assessment
            tions sometimes helps decide the need to be on a  you need. But the truth is, many wait until it’s well  and it can only be translated into a research study. But
            cholesterol modifying agent like statin.  past time to make that change before actually plan-  if somebody has to explain the physiology, it’s probably
               “If someone has high LDL and low HDL, they  ning a course of action. At that point, the idea of  related to cortisol and anabolic steroid release.”
            will definitely benefit by optimizing their risk by  weight loss is a daunting challenge.
            following diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes”  At-risk patients also need to realize that bringing  A minimalistic approach
            Dr. Gangar says. “I would try three to six months of  their BMI down isn’t about a number on a scale.  No research is foolproof, which is why physicians
            lifestyle changes, and if the LDL stays persistently  Because BMI is calculated from an individual’s weight,  practice evidence-based medicine that is current. For
            elevated, I would put them on a statin.”  which includes both muscle and fat, some individuals  high cholesterol and for all conditions affecting the
               With the ASCVD Risk Calculator, Gangar says  may have a high BMI but not a high percentage of  human body, there are usually a set of guidelines to
            that a risk of 7.5 to 10 percent is acceptable, but  body fat. People with a BMI of 30 or higher should  go by for what to change and how to do it.
            any number higher than that should also lead to the  concentrate on improving overall body composition.  For optimal heart health and good cholesterol,
            patient being prescribed a statin.         “The bottom line is that every food turns to  Dr. Gangar suggests a minimalistic approach.
                                                    calories. It’s all about simple mathematics – 3500  “Read the current guidelines, but keep in mind
            Increasing your HDL and improving       calories translates into one pound, and if you’re able  that guidelines can change,” Gangar cautions. “We
            your lifestyle                          to cut down 3500 calories in your week’s course,  do advocate more for losing weight, diet and exer-
               Medications like niacin, fenofibrate, and gem-  you will lose one pound per week,” says Gangar. “I’ve  cise. But if research says that you could live longer
            fibrozil have been used for years and have suc-  experimented with this on a few of my patients. One  with a statin, would you take that, or would you just
            cessfully increased HDL but have not been able to  was in the pre-diabetic range, so I put her on calorie  focus on your lifestyle? That’s what people should
            reproduce the mortality benefit that is shown by  counting. Three months later, she had lost 20 pounds,  remember – that those two things are in their hands,
            statins. Also, concurrent use of stations and fibrates  and the pre-diabetes was gone. That’s how much  and that you should focus on both your good choles-
            increases risk of myalgias.             protection losing weight gives you.”     terol and bad cholesterol.”
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