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10 SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2019                                                                                  THE MORNING CALL
                     ASK THE
                                                  SHAILENDRA SINGH, M.D. FACC OF EASTON HOSPITAL


                     hat is the Aortic Valve?                                                valve replacement include angina (chest pain),
                     The aortic valve is one of the four                                     syncope (lost of consciousness), and heart
            W heart valves that controls the flow of                                          failure symptoms (including orthopnea, edema,
            blood between the left ventricle (one of four heart                              and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea). Other
            chambers) and the aorta. From the aorta, blood is                                associated symptoms may be: shortness of breath,
            delivered to the entire body for delivery of oxygen                              lightheadedness, dizziness, fatigue, weakness and
            and vital nutrients. As one can imagine, if the                                  exercise intolerance. While patients might be
            aortic valve is not functioning optimally, this could                            categorized asymptomatic due to lack of functional
            interrupt the speed and amount of blood received                                 impairment, a very high event rate can be expected
            by the rest of body (brain, heart, organs, etc.). In                             with echocardiographic evidence of significant aortic
            some people, as they age, the valve degenerates                                  stenosis and warrants clinical follow up.
            with calcification and thickening which leads to
            rigidity and prevents the valve from opening to                                  How is Aortic Valve Stenosis diagnosed?
            a certain degree. Aortic Valve stenosis is when                                     The physical examination can further
            the valve area starts to narrow ,which puts more                                 provide clues on the severity of the aortic
            pressure on the heart and ultimately restricts blood                             stenosis and burden on the cardiovascular
            from getting to the rest of the body.                                            system. While the physical examination can
                                                                                             point the clinician toward aortic stenosis,
            Why is this a problem?                                                           further evaluation with echocardiography is
               Aortic valve disease constitutes a chronic,                                   warranted. Transthoracic echocardiography
            progressive disease over time. Age-related, or           Photo courtesy of Easton Hospital  (TTE) remains the gold standard for evaluating
            degenerative valvular heart disease, represents  Shailendra Singh, M.D. FACC Interventional  aortic stenosis. Evaluation of LV wall thickness,
            the most common etiology of aortic stenosis in  Cardiologist Chief of Cardiology, Easton Hospital  systolic function, and aortic valve morphology
            the elderly population. Degenerative aortic valve                                can be assessed with two-dimensional
            disease affects over 25% of all patients over the  with age, with 1 in 8 people older than age  imaging. Doppler echocardiography provides
            age of 65. Most patients have only mild thickening  of 75 showing moderate to severe AS, which  hemodynamic measurement, severity of
            and normal valve function, called aortic sclerosis.  is associated with increased morbidity and  valvular stenosis and regurgitation, and
            However 2%-5% of these patients have significant  mortality. This represents a significant health  pulmonary pressures. Further testing with
            AS with obstruction of blood flow out of the heart.  care burden that is projected to increase as  submaximal stress testing can be useful in
               Mild fibro-calcific leaflet changes progress to  the population progressively ages.  evaluation if the patient is asymptomatic.
            active bone formation on the aortic valve apparatus,
            causing significant obstruction and limiting blood  What are the risk factors for  What are the treatment options?
            flow out of the heart to the rest of the body.  developing Aortic Valve Stenosis?    Aortic stenosis has high morbidity and mortality
            Increased calcification of the valve cusps causes  Traditional cardiovascular risk factors  after the occurrence of symptoms, where the two-
            increased valvular stiffness and narrowing. Over  such as age, male gender, smoking, elevated  year mortality risk is higher than 50%. Aortic valve
            time, an increased aortic gradient causes a pressure  LDL cholesterol, hypertension, and metabolic  replacement with either open-heart surgery or
            overload, resulting in heart chamber wall thickening  syndrome have been associated with development  Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) are
            and hypertrophy. After a continued cascade of  and progression of aortic stenosis. Elderly patients  the only treatment modalities that reduce morbidity
            events, this may eventually lead to cardiac failure if  with aortic stenosis typically have concomitant  and mortality with significant aortic stenosis. Prior
            not treated appropriately.              coronary or peripheral vascular disease. Risk  to the advent of TAVR, over one third or more
                                                    factors associated with disease initiation may differ  of patients were unsuitable to undergo valve
            Who is affected and how often           from those that promote disease progression;  replacement due to age-related comorbidities.
            does it occur?                          regardless, the disease progresses more rapidly at  TAVR has emerged as an alternative in those who
               As the population continues to age, aortic  elderly age. Treatment with medications such as  cannot undergo surgery or who are intermediate
            valve stenosis (AS) remains the most prevalent  beta-blockers, statins, or bisphosphonates studied  and high risk for surgical valve replacement.
            valvular heart disease in western countries and  in randomized trials have not proven to be of  Despite the significant comorbidities of the elderly,
            is the most frequent cause of sudden death  benefit in reducing or halting progression of AS.  the outcomes for aortic valve replacement have
            among valvular heart diseases. Due to advances                                   been improving. Randomized trials have shown no
            in health care the population has a longer life  What are the symptoms           significant differences in mortality between surgical
            span and thus there is an increase in surveillance  of Aortic Valve Stenosis?    valve replacement (SAVR) vs. TAVR in patients
            and diagnosis of AS. While incidence is low in  In evaluating elderly patients with aortic  who are intermediate and high risk. Recent studies
            patients less than 60 years of age, it increases  stenosis, it is important to elicit a comprehensive  of TAVR in the elderly have shown an acceptable
            to approximately 10% in patients 80 years  and meticulous history. The three cardinal  short and long-term survival benefit along with
            old and greater. The severity of AS increases  symptoms of aortic stenosis that prompt urgent  improvements in function and quality of life.
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