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THE MORNING CALL                                                                                    SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2019  15

                                                                                             KAY BUILDERS’

                                                                                          55+ COMMUNITY

                                                                                                  HAS IT ALL

            Three decorated model
            homes are available to tour.
                                                                     Photo courtesy of Kay Builders’
                  om                                  combinations look the best. Most importantly,  The community includes a 7,800-square-foot
                  omeowners are moving into their neweoeownwnerers araree momovivingng intnto their nene
                  dream homes at Kay Builders’ picturesqueeaeamm hohomemes atat KKay Buiuildlders’ picturere
                  dr dr                               each home is individually designed so that no  clubhouse that features a large ballroom to host
            Hcommunity, The Fields at Indian Creek incocommmmununitity, The FFieieldlds at Indian CrCreeee  two look the same.  events, a state-of-the-art gym and aerobic exer-
            Emmaus. “We’re excited to announce the overallmaus. “W“We’e’re excited to announce tthehe ov  All the homes — which start at $296,400  cise area, large fireplaces, an indoor lounge area
            community is now 1/3 sold asas PPhahasese IIII is almo
            community is now 1/3 sold as Phase III is almost  — include stainless steel appliances, hardwood  and many private rooms for individual activities.
            completely sold out. New Phases are opening  flooring, granite countertops, energy efficient  Homeowners are enjoying their time this hot sum-
            up for sale as the demand for this community has  appliances, choice of a deck or paver patio and  mer relaxing by the pool and socializing with their
            been overwhelming,” says Brian McKendry, Vice  much more. “Every home at Indian Creek is well-  friends right within their community. There is also
            President of Sales and Marketing.         appointed and comes with a tremendous amount  a full-time activity director who has the clubhouse
               This 55+ community, which is selling fast,  of standard, included features,” McKendry says.  bustling with lots of fun activities and events for
            features more than 200 single family homes with  All the floor plans were developed directly  homeowners to enjoy.
            a luxurious 7,800 square foot clubhouse, miles of  for this community and include a mix of tried-and-  Outside amenities include 39 acres of des-
            walking trails along the Liebert Creek, scenic vistas  true features, plus many new design features that  ignated open space, a dog park, walking trails,
            of South Mountain and 12 floor plans specifically  have not yet been integrated into plans serving  swimming pool, fire pits, a bocce court, pickle
            designed for active adult living.         the active adult market. Each home comes with a  ball, water fountains and a variety of hardscape-
               Come see for yourself why everyone is talking  crawl space; buyers will have a choice of adding a  appointed, outside lounge areas.
            about the 3 fabulously decorated model homes and  basement or second floor as well as a choice be-  Kay Builders has a reputation for working with
            overall luxurious community. Also take the time to  tween a walkout basement or daylight basement.  property that has significant character. While most
            preview your home selections in our 2,500 square  The standard crawl spaces are certainly a step up  builders seek flat, barren land to develop, Kay
            foot Design Studio located within the community.  from the traditional on slab construction com-  Builders seeks land with grade changes, trees, and
            This state-of-the-art Design Studio will make your  monly used in 55+ communities as they are easier  natural elements such as streams. Although more
            home buying experience like no other.     on the joints, not as cold as on slab construction  challenging to develop, these properties are truly
               The Fields at Indian Creek offers incredibly  and provide useful space for utilities and storage.  unique. With a vision for the land’s potential and
            convenient access to amenities. Literally footsteps  Choice and flexibility are Kay Builders’ hall-  in-depth knowledge of both engineering and land-
            away, a walking path and footbridge will provide  marks and these important features will carry  scaping possibilities, Kay Builders creates aestheti-
            access to the shops on Chestnut Street, which  over to the active adult market. All floor plans  cally pleasing and uniquely desirable communities
            include a wide variety of services. The Lehigh  are customizable, meaning buyers can add a  in the Lehigh Valley. The results are achieved cost
            Valley Hospital, Camp Olympic Park and quaint  loft, move walls, redesign kitchens, rearrange  effectively through Kay’s in-house site develop-
            downtown Emmaus are each just a mile away.  traffic flows, add bathrooms — Kay Builders  ment company.
            The Fields at Indian Creek is unique because it is  will make nearly any change a buyer requests  For six decades, Kay Builders has been an
            so close to everything, but is also one of the most  at very fair prices. The builder is also relaxing  influential part of the Lehigh Valley homebuild-
            picturesque properties in the area        some of the restrictions that typically encum-  ing scene. With more than 40 communities to its
               For Kay Builders, a leading builder in the Lehigh  ber active adult communities: Certain forms of  credit and 8 active local communities, this Lehigh
            Valley, curb appeal is one of the main priorities along  gardening and landscaping will be permitted in  Valley only builder is the choice of many who
            with quality construction, the best locations and its  backyards and there will be more flexibility to  call the region home. Kay Builders has also been
            CUSTOM-i-ZABLE trademark. Kay Builders has  add to the standard decks or patios that are  recognized as The Morning Call Readers’ choice
            increased the number of features it includes and has  included with each home.   Builder of the Year in 2018.
            added to its exterior features included brick and  “Get creative and customize your dream  Come visit us for a tour of our decorated
            stone facades, architectural garage doors, metal  home just the way you want it. Every home-  model homes and clubhouse to see how this is
            accent roofs and complicated roof lines, all of which  owner is different. Shouldn’t your home reflect  truly a community like no other. For more infor-
            add significantly to curb appeal. They also make sure  that difference?” says Rick Koze, President of  mation on The Fields at Indian Creek, visit us at
            to advise customers very carefully on what color  Kay Builders.         or call 610-928-0555.
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