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THE MORNING CALL                                                                                    SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2019  9


             WHY DID YOU JOIN

             PATHSTONES BY


                ight now you’re healthy and active, with the
                freedom to choose your own path. Now is
           R the time to begin planning for your future!
            Pathstones by Phoebe provides care for your
            ongoing needs as you age in your own home. It is a
            membership based program that uniquely com-
            bines the most important features of life-long care
            into one convenient, comprehensive plan.
               Our goal is to help you stay in your home as
            long as possible, providing peace of mind to both
            you and your family.
               But what is it really like to be a member? We  team available 24/7 has been a great relief to them  or Phantoms hockey games, musical and cultural
            spoke to two couples who are current Pathstones  and their children. It lends peace of mind, allowing  events, a day at the movie theater, etc. Couple
            members, to get their personal insights into why  family to live their lives freely and without the worry  One explains that they take advantage of the social
            they joined Pathstones by Phoebe and what they  of finding care in the future.    offerings, saying, “We attend as many of these
            value most about the program. To respect the  Pathstones not only gives support and peace  events as we can, having an enjoyable time with
            privacy of our members, they will be referred to as  of mind in regards to physical health, but financial  other Pathstones members.”
            “Couple One” and “Couple Two”.          health as well. Couple Two was concerned about
                                                    the money they had saved, explaining, “We did  Have you needed services?
            Why did you choose Pathstones?          not want to give our nest egg away to a nursing  Health emergencies can be overwhelming
               Couple One explained, “We are reasonably  home which could conceivably drain it in three to  whether they are your own or those of a loved one.
            independent and have been in our home for many  five years.” Pathstones has several program levels  Pathstones’ Wellness Coordinator is there to assist
            decades and choose to stay here as long as we  which offer asset protection, and allow our mem-  with the process. Shortly after becoming members,
            safely can. Pathstones provides the most practical  bers to keep their savings invested, regardless of  Couple One had a medical emergency — and their
            option for us to meet that objective with a caring,  whether increased levels of care are needed down  Wellness Coordinator was there to help!
            supportive wellness team operating within the long-  the road.                      “In one short-term emergency hospitaliza-
            established framework of Phoebe Ministries.”  Couple Two explains that they chose Pathstones,  tion, our Pathstones Wellness Coordinator was in
               Both couples also agreed that it was easier on  saying, “With Pathstones’ Platinum Program, we do  touch with our geographically-closest child within
            their family members, particularly their children,  not need an additional long-term care insurance plan  about 15 minutes of the 911 call,” Couple One re-
            to have a plan in place for the future. Couple Two  because Pathstones meets that need.”  calls. They were thankful when the Wellness Co-
            mentioned, “While they have their own lives to live                              ordinator agreed to stay with them at the hospital
            and enjoy, our children do not have to look after us  How would you explain the relationship  until their child arrived. The Wellness Coordinator
            when we need care. Pathstones coordinates all the  between the Wellness Coordinator and  stayed with the couple in the emergency room,
            care we might need in our home or in a facility.”  the members?                  providing comfort to the patient’s spouse and tak-
               Couple One added that their children live  Personal and unique, the relationship between  ing notes about the information the hospital staff
            farther away and having the Pathstones wellness  the Wellness Coordinator and members is what  was providing. After the patient’s admission, the
                                                    makes Pathstones stand out. The Wellness Coor-  Wellness Coordinator took the patient’s spouse
                                                    dinator’s priority is to help members proactively  home and coordinated transportation for two
                                                    navigate their individual healthcare needs. Couple  weeks of outpatient rehabilitation.
                                                    One considers their Wellness Coordinator to be  Thanks to the efforts and care from their
                                                    “part of our family, short of adoption. We have a  Wellness Coordinator, Couple One was happy to
                                                    warm, supportive relationship whether or not we  report that the experience gave them confidence
                                                    need services.”                          in their ability to stay in their home, and live the
                                                       Creating a relationship with members is im-  retirement lifestyle they envisioned.
                                                    portant in understanding each member individu-  Pathstones by Phoebe helps you plan for
                                                    ally. Creating avenues of regular communication,  your tomorrows and gain the peace of mind you
                                                    including check-in calls and emails, helps our Well-  deserve. No matter what the future brings, we
                                                    ness Coordinator understand members’ needs  are a partner in your health for the rest of your
                                                    and how they change. Our monthly newsletter  life. To learn more, RSVP for one of our upcom-
                                                    offers socialization opportunities for members  ing seminars at or
                                                    such as opportunities to attend IronPigs baseball  call 610-794-6700.
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