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THE MORNING CALL                                                                                    SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019   9

            program is important. Like any other specialty, the  Those successful patients also discover a
            job of Easton Hospital’s bariatric doctors is to make newfound confidence and a world opens up to
            the patient healthy – and helping them lose weight  them that they may have thought was lost.
            surgically is only one of the modalities that they use.  “I have a patient who used to sing
               There is also the issue of how the patient’s  professionally onstage. I never knew that until she
            mental health plays a role in their weight loss  was halfway through the program. Some people
            journey. Patients must be emotionally prepared to  don’t like to share many details about their lives
            go through the process and commit to remaining  until they’re comfortable with their physician,”
            in the system even if they choose not to have  shares Dr. Singhal. “She started telling me how
            surgery or are not a candidate for surgery. To that  she used to sing and she didn’t want to be onstage
            end, there are support groups that patients are  because she was so conscious of her weight. She                        Hospital
            encouraged to attend to share their experience  had surgery and started losing weight, and you
            with others who have taken the same path.  can see the change in her demeanor. The back
               “We make sure that they have full access to  straightens up and the shoulders straighten up.                         Easton
            a dietician and an exercise physiologist who, on  She is about three years post-surgery, and now                        of
            a day-to – day basis, can advise them and keep  she’s back onstage singing again.”                                      courtesy
            them on track,” says Dr. Singhal. “The emotional
            and social aspect gets taken care of more in a  Lehigh Valley Weight Loss                                               Photo
            program like ours.”                       Thousands of people across the Lehigh Valley
               Once patients are enrolled in the program,  have already discovered Lehigh Valley Weight  Artun Aksade, MD
            they see Dr. Singhal or Dr. Aksade every couple  Loss, which is the largest medical and surgical
            of months. In the meantime, they have the  weight loss program in the area. Still, it might be
            opportunity to attend classes at the hospital  safe to say that for many others, it’s the area’s  “That is true for all surgical weight loss. The
            that teach them everything from how to count  best-kept healthcare secret.       risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and the long-
            calories to how to decipher food labels and what  John Scaffidi, MD, FABOM, FACOG and  term downstream of those are a thousand times
            healthier foods they can shop for. They are also  Maneesh Ailawadi, MD, FSSO were the first to  more risky than the small risk of [weight loss]
            taught how to prepare healthier meals. With  perform outpatient bariatric surgery in the state,  surgery,” confirms Dr. Ailawadi. “We want to
            any questions that arise, they have a member of  and have realized the importance of becoming  make sure their heart is in good shape, their lungs
            the bariatric team ready to help them remain  what they call the “primary caregiver” for  are in good shape, and that they have no blood
            committed to their goals.              patients’ weight loss journeys. Scaffidi, who has  clotting disorders. That’s the standard procedure
               Program success, says Dr. Singhal, is  three decades of experience in obstetrics and  we go through for any operation. We go through
            measured by the time and effort the patient is  gynecology, consistently saw patients come into  that checklist and we make the operation as safe
            willing to put in.                     his practice who either didn’t qualify for weight  as possible by making sure of that.”
               “The successful patient is somebody who is  loss surgery, or didn’t want it. The goal for him  While there are multiple types of weight
            never missing classes, somebody who is always  became providing his patients with a way to get  loss surgery, that one that they use most often
            making it to their appointments even during bad  the medical component of weight loss taken care  is the laparoscopic sleeve (LGS) procedure,
            weather, somebody who calls to reschedule to  of before surgery could even be an option.  which is the most popular and safest form of
            make it to an afternoon or evening appointment  Enter Dr. Ailawadi, who had opened his own  bariatric surgery. It is done by making several
            because they missed the morning appointment.  private practice performing bariatric surgery,  small incisions in the abdomen, having a surgical
            Those are the people I see doing better.  general surgery, and surgical oncology. Four years  camera (laparoscope) and special surgical tools
            Commitment doesn’t come in one fell swoop – it’s ago, the two physicians began working together  inserted through them, and then having a portion
            those little things which incrementally add up that  to provide a truly unique full-service center that  of the stomach cut away to limit the amount of
            really makes it work.”                 presents patients with a multidisciplinary approach  food that can fit in it. The new, banana-like shape
                                                   to weight loss. Their collaborative effort also  goes from the esophagus to the small intestines.
                                                   brings patients into the fold of Easton’s weight loss  The operation takes about 45 minutes to an hour,
                                                   program for the surgical component.       and patients go home the next day. The program has
                                                      “It kind of came around a little backward  less than a one percent readmission rate.
                                                   from the way that most programs are built up.  “With the post-op phase, we switch our gears
                                                   The hospital provides the bariatric surgery, but  a little bit on the medical division because we want
                                                   I created the program in the beginning because  to make sure that nutritionally, the patient is getting
                                                   it was for people who didn’t want the surgery  adequate vitamins and minerals as well as overall
                                                   or didn’t qualify,” explains Dr. Scaffidi. “It then  nutrition – and that weight loss is neither too rapid
                                                   became so busy that I started to have one or two  nor too little,” explains Dr. Scaffidi. “And this is
                                                   percent of people who needed surgery or wanted  really where the art of medicine comes in. Each
                                            Hospital  it. Then it was five or six percent, and pretty soon  patient is going to be treated differently. We just go
                                                                                             hand in hand with the patient through the rest of
                                                   I had patients asking me daily, ‘Where can I go?’ I
                                                   knew of Dr. Ailawadi’s expertise, and together we
                                                                                             that post-op phase, which is usually a longer phase.
                                            Easton  put the two services together.”          Our medical team never lets go of that patient.”
                                                      The two used the paradigm of the
                                                                                               About 90 percent of the patients continue on
                                            of     multidisciplinary approaches to other areas of  in the program and show amazing success.
                                            courtesy  medicine – such as cancer care and cardiac care  Scaffidi. “There hasn’t been anybody we’ve seen
                                                                                               “We haven’t been stumped yet,” says Dr.
                                                   teams – and applied it to weight loss. The most
                                            Photo  important issue became that the impact of not  where we can say, ‘I don’t know what to do for
            Vinay Singhal, MD, Medical Director of  treating obesity far outweighed the risks of  you because you’re not losing weight. That just
                                                                                             hasn’t happened.”
                                                   treating it.
            Bariatric Surgery at Easton Hospital
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