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Blood pressure and how to control it

                           In 2017, the American Associ-
                   Café  ation of Cardiology released new  the top number and it represents  pressure. A diagnosis of hyper-  second time around, you have to
                                                                                                             talk to them about blood pressure
                                                                                 tension does not just come from
                                                     the pressure inside a blood ves-
                         blood pressure guidelines, stating
                                                                                 one high blood pressure reading.
                                                     sel,” said Dr. Prasant Pandey, a
                         that anyone with blood pressure
                                                                                 It comes from a series of consis-
                                                     cardiologist with Coordinated
                                                                                                               Aside from diet and exercise,
                         of 120 over 80 is considered to
                                                                                 tent high blood pressure read-
                   Musikfest  have “elevated blood pressure,”  pressure in a garden hose. If the  ings.      to reducing high blood pressure.
                                                                                                             there is no ‘natural’ supplement
                                                     Health. “It’s the same as water
                         while any patient with more than
                                                                                   With the series of new guide-
                                                     pressure is too high, the hose can
                                                                                                             Trying to avoid reacting to stress,
                                                                                 lines, patients need to understand
                         130 over 80 will be classified as
                                                                                                             however, is another key to keep-
                                                     blow. If the pressure is too low,
                         having “Stage 1 High Blood
                                                                                 that there are still healthy modifi-
                                                                                                             ing that number in check.
                                                     not enough water is getting
                                                                                 cations that can help them lower
                                                     through. If the pressure is too
                                                                                                               “Some studies show that
                           According to the U.S. Centers
                                                                                 controlled salt intake.
                                                                                                             versions of routine exercise can
                                                     feel it. The bottom number refers
                         tion, roughly one in three adults
                                                                                   “Some patients will tell me,
                   at    for Disease Control and Preven-  high, you may not necessarily  their readings: diet, exercise and  meditation, yoga, and the soft
                                                     to the pressure when your heart
                                                                                                             help – whether you like doing
                                                                                 ‘But I was healthy last year.’
                         in the United States has high
                   11    blood pressure. Everyone has had  is resting between beats. The  They don’t want to take prescrip-  meditation or anything that can
                                                     bottom number is a checkpoint.”
                                                                                                             give you some peace of mind,”
                                                                                 tion medications if they don’t
                         their blood pressure taken at one
                                                                                                             Pandey said.
                                                       As Pandey pointed out, you
                                                                                 have to,” Pandey explained.
                         time or another, but few people
                   May   know exactly what those num-  can have an elevated reading in  about education and warming  Life is stressful, period. A lot of
                                                                                                               “Stress is relative, however.
                                                                                   “With a first high reading, it’s
                                                     one number, or both. An above-
                         bers mean.
                           “When your heart pumps at
                                                                                                             you react to it.”
                                                                                 With another high reading the
                                                     qualifies a person for high blood
                         its strongest forceful pump, that’s  average reading in either number  people up to the new guidelines.  stress training is focusing on how
                          Know the signs of atrial fibrillation
                           Heart palpitations, chest pain
                                                     another health issue, says Dr.
                                                                                 AFib, the upper chambers of the
                                                                                                               The doctor will determine the
                                                                                 heart, called the atria, beat irreg-
                         mind the symptoms of a heart
                                                                                                             patient’s risk for stroke, high
                                                     Steven Stevens, cardiology-
            2018    EXPERIENCE  and shortness of breath bring to  know about it until they have  in a beat. When a person has  is pumping correctly.
                                                                                                             blood pressure, diabetes and
                                                     electrophysiology, of St. Luke’s
                                                                                 ularly. They quiver and do not
                         attack. While a heart attack could
            22,          be the cause of those feelings,  University Health Network’s  move the blood into the ventri-  other health issues and then
                                                                                                             discuss treatment options that
                                                     Cardiology Associates.
                         atrial fibrillation also may be a
                                                                                 cles in an effective manner. This
                                                       “A lot of people don’t have
            APRIL        culprit.                    any symptoms,” he said. “It’s  irregularity can cause pooling or  will work for the patient. Those
                                                                                 clotting of blood. Should a clot
                           Atrial fibrillation, also called
                                                                                                             options might include medication
                         AFib, is a quivering or irregular
                                                                                                             to slow the heart rate, a pace-
                                                     difficult to diagnose because not
                                                                                 break off and enter the blood-
            SUNDAY,      heartbeat that may lead to heart-  everyone feels it the same way.”  stream, particularly in an artery  maker or shocking the heart back
                                                       AFib symptoms could include
                                                                                                             into a normal rhythm.
                                                                                 leading to the brain, stroke may
                         related complications. The
                                                     palpitations, which could feel
                         American Heart Association says
                                                                                                               “AFib is not a one-size-fits-all
                                                                                                             disease; it’s not a one-size-fits-all
                                                     like a flip-flopping in the chest or
                                                                                   A proper diagnosis from a
                         that at least 2.7 million Ameri-
            CALL         cans are living with AFib. Al-  even a racing feeling. Other  physician is needed before treat-  treatment,” Stevens said. “Every-
                                                                                                             thing has risks. You have to give
                         though treatable, without proper
                                                                                 ment can begin. An examination
                                                     symptoms include fatigue; re-
                                                     duced ability to exercise; light-
                                                                                 may include an EKG or ECG,
                                                                                                             an acceptable treatment option.”
                         diagnosis, AFib may lead to
                                                                                                               “It’s part of life and it’s ex-
                                                     headedness; chest pain; shortness
                         blood clots, stroke and even heart
                                                                                 which will show the heart's elec-
            MORNING  WOMEN  failure.                 of breath; and dizziness and  trical activity as line tracings on  tremely treatable,” he said. “They
                                                                                 paper. The spikes and dips in the
                           AFib is something that affects
                                                                                                             can still live well with and with
                                                       When the heart is working
                         one in four people in their life-
                                                                                                             treatment they can prevent more
                                                                                 tracings are called waves. An
            THE          time and often people don’t  normally, it contracts and relaxes  EKG will determine if the heart  serious problems.”
            SECTION  FOR  Controlling sleep and diet for a healthier heart
                                                                                                               Cholesterol is also important
                                                     pressure drops twice a day –
                                                                                 a few extra pounds can cause
            ADVERTISING  RED  you can reduce your risk of heart  once in the afternoon and once at  blood pressure to start elevating.  to consider when it comes to
                           There are several ways that
                         disease, the leading cause of
                                                     night. If you stay awake, you are
                                                                                                             taking care of your heart. You
                                                                                   “After 20 extra pounds, that’s
                                                                                                             should get your cholesterol levels
                                                     sustaining your blood pressure at
                                                                                 it. The most common cause is
                         death in the U.S. The American
                                                                                 salt,” explains Dr. Mascarenhas.
                                                     night, so then you feel tired by
                         College of Cardiology notes that
                                                                                                             checked at least once every four
                         cardiovascular disease accounts
                                                                                 “A lot of people consume too
                                                     2:30 or 3 p.m. People eat or drink
                                                                                                             to six years. Those diagnosed
            SPECIAL  GO  for 31 percent of all deaths across  coffee, so as a result, they are  much salt without even checking.  with high cholesterol should
                                                                                                             recognize that cholesterol is only
                                                     putting on more weight. I have
                         the globe.
                                                                                 Even with a normal heart, you
                           “The most important factors
                                                                                 can have heart failure. The prob-
                                                                                                             found in animal products, so a
                                                     trained the residents to ask about
                                                                                                             diet rich in fruits and vegetables
                                                     diet and sleeping habits.”
                         are diet, exercise, and a good
                                                                                 lem is diet. Our heart is like a
                                                       Many people mistakenly
                         night’s sleep,” says Dr. Daniel
                                                                                 has compliance. It can only take
                         Mascarenhas, a cardiologist at  believe that diet and exercise  soccer ball that you cut open. It  can provide a simple way to keep
                                                                                                             your cholesterol in check.
                         Easton Hospital. “When people  alone can help sustain good  so much. When you consume too  If you feel you are at risk, you
                         come to me, I ask them, ‘How do  blood pressure. With more than  much salt, the compliance is not  should speak with your doctor
                         you sleep?’ A good amount of  60 percent of Americans either  there. The blood backs up into  about developing a plan for
                         people do not sleep for even  obese or overweight, however,  the lungs and you develop heart  effective management of your
           4             seven hours a night. Your blood  it’s important to realize that even  failure.”     weight and sleeping habits.
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