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Wescoe technology degree adapts to industry trends

Muhlenberg College Wescoe School of Continuing Education

Michael Baca, MBA
IS Program Coordinator

   We have heard this
story before… The field of
information technology is
experiencing a period of
dynamic growth and
change. We heard it the
1980s when the advent of
the personal computer
brought the power of com-
puting into our homes and
schools. In the 1990s the
emergence of the Web
delivered access to a uni-
verse of information with
the click of a mouse. The
2000s saw the next genera-
tion of the Web emerge,
with people not only con-
suming content but cre-
ating it themselves —
think FaceBook, Twitter,
YouTube and Wikipedia.
Today, we can do all of
that and more with devices
that we carry in our pock-
ets, presenting our society
with a host of technical,
human, and social issues.

Accelerated Information         According to James          effectively is highly valued   ation of Information Sys-      now. An academic advisor           fered at the Wescoe School.
Systems Degree               Lynn, SaaS Portfolio Man-      by employers and essential     tems, both well-regarded       will be happy to help an-          Contact our office for a
                             ager at Hewlett Packard        in roles such as business      institutions that govern the   swer your questions about          personal advisement ses-
   If there is one thing we  Enterprise, “There will        analyst, solutions architect,  information technology         the Information Systems            sion: 484-664-3300; wes-
have learned about in-       always be a need for           project manager and IS         discipline.                    bachelor’s degree or the  or
formation technology it is   skilled professionals who      consultant.                                                   other 25+ programs of-   
that change is constant.     can help their organiza-                                         In addition to strength-
This dynamism presents       tions adapt technology to         “The revised program        ening and broadening the                                          “There will always
risks and challenges to      meet their needs. No long-     reflects the changing          foundational courses, the                                         be a need for skilled
organizations looking to     er is information technolo-    marketplace and the needs      new program covers a                                              professionals who
harness transformative       gy relegated to the back       of employers,” says Lynn.      broad IS spectrum, in-                                            can help their
technologies to advance      room. In leading compa-        “There is increased empha-     cluding software devel-                                           organizations adapt
their business goals. As a   nies, they are viewed as a     sis on bedrock areas such      opment, business intelli-                                         technology to meet
result, employers need       strategic part of the organi-  as architecture, infrastruc-   gence, project manage-                                            their needs.”
trained professionals        zation.”                       ture and security.”            ment, finance and IS strate-
grounded in fundamental                                                                    gy. Of particular note, a         Courtesy of Muhlenberg College  — James Lynn
information systems con-        Information systems            Lynn was part of a team     unique seminar-based           James Lynn SaaS Portfolio          SaaS Portfolio Manager,
cepts who know how to        professionals entering the     comprised of IS profes-        module titled “Current         Manager, Hewlett Packard           Hewlett Packard
learn and adapt to a chang-  job market must be well-       sionals and academics that     Topics in IS” will have        Enterprise                         Enterprise
ing landscape. Toward that   rounded and comfortable        developed the revised          content that varies, reflect-
end, we have refocused the   working side by side with      curriculum, and all are        ing contemporary issues.
Bachelors of Information     both business and technol-     instructors in the Wescoe      The program culminates in
Systems (IS) program         ogy teams. The combina-        School’s program. The          a team-based capstone
offered by Muhlenberg        tion of technical skills,      curriculum was based on        project addressing a real-
College Wescoe School of     business knowledge and         guidelines published by the    world need.
Continuing Education.        the ability to communicate     Association for Computing
                                                            Machinery and the Associ-         Classes are forming
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