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Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

            Program fuels interest in scholarly research

        Misericordia University biology  major, capitalized on her labo-
        major conducts biophysics   ratory experiences in the paid
        research in Bordeaux, France as  summer program in 2017 to                                                         EDUCATION
        an Iacocca International Scholar  become an Iacocca Interna-
           The Misericordia University  tional Scholar with Lehigh
        Summer Undergraduate Re-    University. Funded by the Na-
        search Fellowship Program was  tional Science Foundation’s
        developed in 2014 to expand  Research Experiences for Un-
        upon the personal attention the  dergraduates Program, Ash was                                                     GUIDE
        university provides by offering  in Bordeaux, France, during the
        students opportunities to devel-  summer conducting biophysics
        op additional skills with faculty  research at the University of
        mentors.                    Bordeaux’s LOMA Laboratory.
           The competitive program     In France, Ash used lasers to
        has enabled 118 students and 68  investigate mechanical proper-                        Photo courtesy of Misericordia University
        faculty members to collaborate  ties of gels on a micro-scale  Senior biology major Michelle Ash ’19 in the LOMA Lab at the University of
        on more than 79 scientific  without introducing another  Bordeaux during her research as an Iacocca International Scholar in Bordeaux,
        research and scholarly projects  particle. The technique enables  France. The summer research experience was funded by the National Science
                                                                Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program.
        in three colleges: Arts and  scientists to determine the
        Sciences, Business, and Health  properties of the gels that cells  studying the biophysics of  work of people to fall back on,
        Sciences and Education. Since  grown on, so researchers can  Candida albicans, a common  and the collaboration between
        its inception, student research  measure different biophysical  yeast strain and one of the  the professors is what really
        fellows have delved into    aspects of cells without harm-  leading causes of death for  strikes me,’’ says Ash. “The  VIEW
        Schwann cells, voice disorders,  ing them, and thereby enabling  blood-borne yeast infections.  professors really push you in
        and the rich history of a small  them to collect data from a  The research will resume in the  the right direction with that  SPECIAL
        city, to name a few.        nearly uninterrupted biological  fall on campus.        personal interaction because   THIS
           Most recently, Research  system.                        “At Misericordia, it makes  they’ve known you and devel-
        Fellow Michelle Ash, a biology  At Misericordia, she is  me feel good that I have a net-  oped a relationship with you.’’  EDUCATION  ADVERTISING


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