Page 12 - Education Guide
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The fast track to a career

                                                            Wilkes University

                    GUIDE  W      ilkes offers innovative  degree in just five years of

                                                    study. This not only saves
                                  new majors and
                                                    tuition dollars, but it allows
                    EDUCATION  ployment landscape is always  you to fast-track your ca-
                                     Today’s em-
                                                    reer for positions such as
                        changing. Wilkes University
                                                    human resources, adminis-
                        prepares its graduates for these
                                                    tration management, and
                        changes by adding innovative
                                                    employee counseling.
                        new majors and minors that
                        provide students with skills
                                                    theatre design and technology
                                                    allows students to apply artis-
                        needed for the future, while  ■ The bachelor’s degree in
                        learning from caring, mentor-  tic, technical and management
                        ing professors in a warm, wel-  skills to careers in the arts.
                        coming campus community.    ■ New minors include sport
                        ■ The new hospitality leader-  psychology, a program that
                        ship program equips students  helps address stress and anxiety
                        with a solid business founda-  of high-performing athletes
                        tion while preparing them for  utilizing Wilkes’ unique, state-                           Photo courtesy of Wilkes University
                        careers in hotel, casino, restau-  of-the art NeuroTraining and  Wilkes University is undergoing a $100 million campus improvement initiative.
                        rant, resort and travel indus-  Research Center, and sustain-
                        tries, all of which project strong  ability management, a program  excellent programs in academ-  new engineering laboratories
                        growth.                     that combines business and   ics, Wilkes University is in the  opening next fall in Stark Learn-
            2018        ■ The five-year industrial/  environmental engineering,  midst of a $100 million campus  ing Center.
                                                                                 improvement initiative. These
                                                                                                               Find out more about Wilkes,
                                                    educating students on the princi-
                        organizational psychology
            FEBRUARY 18,  elor’s degree and a master  use of resources.          Media and Communication Cen-  munity by scheduling a visit at
                                                    ples of conservation and efficient
                                                                                 include the new Karambelas
                                                                                                             its programs, campus and com-
                        program combines a bach-
                                                       In addition to expanding its
                                                                                 ter, which opened last fall, and
                        of business administration
                                                                               College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: Communication
                                                                               Studies, Criminology, Digital Design and Media Art, English, History,
                                                                               Individualized Studies, International Studies, Musical Theatre,
                                                                               Neuroscience, Philosophy, Political Science, Public Administration,
            CALL                                                               Psychology, Sociology, Spanish, Theatre Arts, Theatre Design &
            MORNING                                                            College of Science and Engineering: Biochemistry, Biology,
                                                                               Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Earth
                                                                               and Environmental Science, Applied Engineering, Electrical
            THE    AT                                                          Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering Management,
                                                                               Geology, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Medical Laboratory
                                                                               Science, Physics
            OF     ONLINE                                                      School of Education: Elementary and Early Childhood Education
            SECTION  GUIDE                                                     (Pre-K-4), Middle Level Education (4-8), Secondary Education

                                                                               Nesbitt School of Pharmacy: Pharmacy (Guaranteed Seat)
            ADVERTISING  EDUCATION  A university built for                     Passan School of Nursing: Nursing

                                                                               Sidhu School of Business and Leadership: Accounting,
                                                                               Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hospitality Leadership, Management,
                                                                               Marketing, Sports Management
            SPECIAL  THIS    Yours.                                            Programs: Five-year Industrial/
                                                                               Organizational Psychology,
                                                                               4+1 Bioengineering, Pre-dentistry,
                                                                               Pre-law, Pre-MBA, Pre-medical,
                   VIEW                                                        Pre-occupational Therapy,
                                                                               Pre-optometry, Pre-physical Therapy,
                                                                               Pre-physician Assistant,
                                                                               Pre-podiatry, Pre-veterinary, ROTC

                                                                              Schedule your personal visit at
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