Page 8 - Be An Angel 2018
P. 8

                         envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
                         Contact: Bill Hankee at 610-767-
                         LEHIGH VALLEY BASE
                         OF UNITED STATES

                     AN  SUBMARINE
                         Kaps for Kids Program
                         4297 Elm Drive
                         Allentown, PA 18103
                         Members present honorary subma-
                     BE  rine caps and submariner certifi-
                         cates to children with challenging
                         medical conditions.
                         1. Monetary donations to purchase
                         additional hats, pins and bracelets
                         to give to children during visits.
                         Please mark envelope “Be an Angel
                         Contact: Kathleen Dolgos at
                                                                                                                    MORNING CALL FILE PHOTO
                         LEHIGH VALLEY               The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society fights blood cancers in children and adults. It’s seeking arts and
                         HEALTH NETWORK —            crafts supplies to be used during LLS’ Art Days for youth, as well as monetary donations and gift cards.
                                                     patients.                   search, Sudoku, crosswords, etc.   envelope “Be an Angel donation.”
                         2545 Schoenersville Road    Contact: Lynn Schiavone at 610-  2. Adult coloring books and mark-  3. iPads — we can always use iPads
                         Bethlehem, PA 18017         402-6054.                   ers.                        for our residential and day program
                         1. Puzzle books for adult patients:                     3. Prayer shawls and lap blankets.  attendees so that they can play
                         crosswords, word searches,  LEHIGH VALLEY               Contact: Rosaria Lentini at 610-  games, watch TV shows and mov-
                         Sodoku, etc. Large print if available.  HOSPITAL — 17TH  969-3300, ext. 2487.       ies and browse the internet.
                         And pencils.                STREET                                                  Contact: Annette Kaiser at 484-
                         2. Large boxes or bags of Polyfill                      LEUKEMIA &                  893-5539.
                         Stuffing. Used to make comfort  17th and Chew streets   LYMPHOMA SOCIETY
                         pillows for surgery patients.  Allentown, PA 18104                                  MANITO LIFE CENTER
                         3. Crocheted or knitted comfort  LVH-17th Street includes The Chil-  1525 Valley Center Parkway, Suite  2160 N. Cedar Crest Blvd.
                         shawls (dimensions 30 inches by  dren’s Clinic, Dental Clinic, Wom-  180            Allentown, PA 18104
                         60 inches) and lap blankets (di-  en’s Clinic and Street Medicine  Bethlehem, PA 18017  Provides equine-assisted activities,
                         mensions 36 inches by 48 inches).  Program.             Strives to find a cure for leukemia,  therapeutic riding and nature-
                         Contact: Ruth Brown at 484-884-  1. Winter clothing: jackets, hats,  lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and  based programs for children and
                         2224.                       gloves, scarves, socks, boots,  myeloma and improve quality of  adults with special needs.
                                                     pants, sweaters for children and  life for patients and families.  1. Golf cart or ATV vehicle — to act
                         LEHIGH VALLEY               adults.                     1. Gift cards for patients, all ages,  as a courtesy shuttle to less acces-
                         HEALTH NETWORK —            2. Baby supplies: car seats and  suggested $25. Please mark envel-  sible areas of the farm.
                         TILGHMAN                    infant formula.             ope “Be an Angel donation.”  2. Gardening supplies including
                         EXPRESSCARE                 3. Camping supplies for homeless  2. $25 monetary donations. Pro-  shovels, rakes, garden hoses, noz-
                                                                                 vides activities and support to one
                                                     clients: tents/sleeping bags, flash-
                                                                                                             zles, tomato cages, deer fencing,
            2018         4825 W. Tilghman St.        lights/battery operated lanterns.  child receiving treatment for a  netting, weed mat, seeds, etc. for
                                                                                                             childrens’ organic garden.
                                                                                 blood cancer. Please mark envelope
                                                     Contact: Valerie Hutton at 610-
                         Allentown, PA 18104
            25,          An extension of the LVHN ER and  969-2391.              “Be an Angel donation.”     3. Good quality, battery operated,
                                                                                                             power tools with spare battery
                                                                                 3. Arts and crafts items to be used
                         accepts most medical assistance.
                                                     LEHIGH VALLEY
                                                                                                             packs such as skill saw, sawzall,
                                                                                 during LLS’ Art Days at the Pediat-
            NOVEMBER     our sick pediatric population.  HOSPITAL CEDAR          ric Oncology Clinic and various  power drill with screw driver at-
                         1. Coloring books to give away to
                                                                                                             tachment, for general maintenance
                                                                                 other LLS events.
                         2. Stickers to give away to our
                                                                                                             of farm.
                         pediatric population.
                                                                                 Contact: Pamela Formica at 484-
                         3. Magazines for the waiting area
                                                     Cedar Crest Volunteer Services
                                                                                                             Contact: Alicia Pramik at 610-433-
                         for adults.
                                                     1200 S. Cedar Crest Blvd.
            SUNDAY,      Contact: Stephanie Forst at 610-  Allentown, PA 18105   LIFEPATH                    MILLER-KEYSTONE
                                                                                 3500 High Point Blvd.
                                                     1. Items for children’s comfort bags
                                                     — age group — 0-2, board books,
                                                                                 Bethlehem, PA 18017
                                                                                                             BLOOD CENTER
                         LEHIGH VALLEY
                                                                                 Provides programs and services for
                                                     rattles, teething rings, booties,
                         HOSPICE                     small stuffed animals (new only).  people with developmental and  1465 Valley Center Parkway
            THE MORNING CALL  Allentown, PA 18103    books, and adult coloring books.  day program attendees and our  community to provide a continuous
                                                                                 intellectual disabilities.
                                                                                                             Bethlehem, PA 18017
                                                     2. Adult large print word search
                                                                                                             Saves lives by partnering with our
                                                                                 1. Art supplies and art kits — our
                         2024 Lehigh St., Suite 100
                                                     books, large print adult puzzle
                                                     Contact: Lynn Schaeffer at 610-
                         Provides hospice/end of life serv-
                                                                                 residents enjoy art. They love
                                                                                                             supply of blood products and
                         ices to people in all settings —
                                                                                 receiving individual art kits such as
                                                                                                             1. Gift cards from local businesses
                                                                                 paint-by-number, fabric gluing,
                         whether you live alone, with some-
                                                     LEHIGH VALLEY
                                                                                                             to be raffled off to volunteer blood
                         one else or in a long-term care
                                                                                 puppets, etc. etc. The day pro-
                         1. Gift cards for groceries /Target
                                                                                 such as glue guns, glue sticks,
                                                                                                             times throughout the year. Please
                         gift cards — for less fortunate  HOSPITAL               grams love to receive art supplies  donors during critical donation
                                                                                                             mark envelope “Be an Angel dona-
                                                                                 markers, paint brushes, paints,
                         patients and family caregivers.  SKILLED UNIT           canvases, paper.            tion.”
                         Please mark envelope “Be an Angel  17th and Chew streets  2. Gift cards — our directors would  2. Community volunteers to assist
                         donation.”                  Allentown, PA 18102         love gift cards so that they can go  during scheduled mobile blood
                         2. Journal books with blank pages  Provides short-term skilled nursing  out and purchase gifts for the  drives at churches, schools and
                         or pretty stationery for “legacy  and rehabilitation to patients  residents. Also, gift cards to restau-  businesses throughout the Lehigh
                         letters.”                   recovering from a recent hospital-  rants are also wonderful for us as  Valley as donor aides and canteen
                         3. Hand knitted or crocheted lap  ization.              our staff can take the residents out  attendants.
           8             blankets or ‘fidget aprons’ for  1. Various puzzle books, word  to eat at a restaurant. Please mark  3. Whole blood donors, to donate
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