Page 2 - A Holiday To Remember 2016
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2 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016                                                                                                               SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL

                                                                                                   HOLIDAY MEMORIES

                                                                                                   Listening for Santa brought years of joy

                                                                 Metro Creative Connection            For approximately 20
                                                                                                   years, our family tradition was
Hiring a caterer can cut down on holiday planning stress.                                          Christmas Eve at Grandma’s                                                                         Shutterstock
                                                                                                   and Grandpa’s house.
  Catering keeps crises                                                                                                                On Christmas Eve, if you             bells and saying, “Ho-Ho-Ho,
out of the party equation                                                                             Thirteen grandchildren        listen closely, you can hear            Merry Christmas!”
                                                                                                   gathered with their parents      Uncle Eddie ringing those
                                                                                                   after our 7 p.m. worship serv-                                              Beverly J. Volz, Allentown
                                                                                                   ice for food and fellowship.

                                                                                                      Everyone anticipated our
                                                                                                   annual visit from Santa! The
                                                                                                   door bell and sleigh bells
                                                                                                   would ring. Tots, toddlers and
                                                                                                   teens knew who it was —
                                                                                                   Uncle Eddie (Edward F.
                                                                                                   Kloss), alias Santa Claus!

                                                                                                      We lost Uncle Eddie seven
                                                                                                   years ago.

                                                                                                      We now have great-grand-
                                                                                                   children, and although Santa
                                                                                                   isn’t physically present for
                                                                                                   them, his spirit is.

                                                                                                   Belated Christmas celebration was the best

As enjoyable as the             hosts may spend several          negotiated, the better. Lock in      Christmas can come at any     from my husband in weeks,               phone talking with my sister,
         holiday season may     weeks organizing their holi-     the date and desired foods as     time of the year.                but I held onto his last spoken         Anna Marie, and an operator
         be, quite a number of  day meals, hours shopping for    soon as you decide to use a                                        words to me.                            came on the phone line and
people admit to feeling pres-   the ingredients, and still more  caterer. The longer you wait,        The Christmases of 1968                                               told me to hang up, that I had
sured by the demands of         time preparing and cooking       the more your options dwin-       and 1969 were not very happy        I worked on Christmas Eve,           an emergency call from the
shopping, wrapping, and         the food. By enlisting the       dle, as caterers’ schedules tend  for me. My husband, Ronnie,      and after the ladies were all           Pentagon. At that moment, we
hosting events. According to a  services of a professional       to book up quickly. Have a        who was a sergeant in the        settled in, I sat at the nurses’        both feared the worst.
poll from the American Psy-     caterer, hosts can still throw   second-favorite caterer at the    Army, had left on Dec. 17,       station and started to cry. I had
chological Association, up to   festive events with great food   ready in case the first one is    1968, for a tour of duty at a    to find out what was happen-               I was surprised to be
70 percent of people feel       while letting someone else       booked solid.                     remote Hawk missile site in      ing with Ronnie. I wrote a              greeted and told that President
stressed out by a lack of time  deal with the stress of meal     Packages                          South Korea. It was the week     note to then-President Richard          Nixon and his family wished
and/or money during the         planning — and the inevitable                                      before Christmas and we were     Nixon asking for his help. I            us a belated “happy holidays”
holidays.                       cleanup.                            Some caterers will only        the parents of two little boys   addressed it to the White               and that the Pentagon was
                                                                 provide the food. Others are      — Andy Pandy, as we called       House, Pennsylvania Avenue,             checking on Ronnie’s where-
   But stress does not have to     If you decide to have your    full-service providers and will   him, was 5 1/2 months old,       Washington, D.C. On the way             abouts. They promised a call
turn this festive time of year  holiday party catered, you       bring much of what’s needed       and Ron-Ron was 16 months        home from work, I dropped it            back to me within 24 hours.
into something less enjoyable.  should keep a few factors in     to entertain. This can include    old.                             in the mailbox on Market
By removing some of the         mind as you consider your        cutlery, plates, chafing dishes,                                   Street. Looking up at the                  When that call came, I was
work involved in holiday        options.                         napkins, linens, condiments,         My husband’s last words to    starlit sky, my thoughts were           told that Ronnie had not been
planning and hosting, individ-  Referrals                        and more. Understand fully        me before leavng were, “Dor-     that Ronnie was looking at the          able to return to the United
uals can free up time and                                        what each potential catering      othy, it is an unwritten rule —  same moon and stars.                    States because of all the
enjoy a more relaxing holiday      If you have never used a      package includes. It may be       if you serve one Christmas in                                            deaths in Vietnam. The Army
party. For example, holiday     local caterer before, seek       worth spending a little more      Korea, you should be home           Well, Christmas and New              did not have the troops for
                                recommendations from neigh-      for a package that’s all-inclu-   for the following Christmas. I   Year’s of 1969 came and went,           replacements. They gave me a
       By enlisting the         bors and friends. There are      sive rather than saving money     will be home next Christmas.”    and still no letters from my            date and time the following
           services of a        many different types of ca-      on a package that requires you    I held onto those words for all  husband. It was a particularly          week that Ronnie would fly
                                terers, and some restaurants     to do a lot of work.              of 1969.                         snowy January. At the end of            into Maguire Air Force Base,
 professional caterer,          even provide catering serv-      Make it special                                                    January 1970, I was on the              and he did.
 hosts can still throw          ices. Referrals can help hosts                                        Right after he left for Ko-
                                find the right caterer for the      Holiday hosts can person-      rea, Ron-Ron was hospital-                                 Shutterstock     Well, on that date, I felt so
   festive events with          style of gathering they are      alize catered affairs by includ-  ized with double pneumonia,                                              very lucky that my husband
      great food while          hoping to host and help them     ing one signature dish or         and 1969 proved to be quite a                                            was returning home to us
                                avoid caterers who may not be    drink. If drinks don’t seem       challenge for me without my                                              safely. (We celebrated our
letting someone else            the best people to work with.    like a good fit, consider cre-    husband. I lived in Bethlehem                                            Golden Wedding Anniversary
  deal with the stress          Book early                       ating a dipping sauce, glaze,     and worked part time as an                                               this past Aug. 27.)
                                                                 or another homemade item.         LPN at the Moravian King’s
    of meal planning.              The holiday season is a       This puts a personal touch on     Daughters’ Home. We did not                                                 Christmas for me came in
                                busy time of year for many       the meal with minimal effort.     have the technology that is out                                          early February 1970, when we
                                businesses, caterers included.                                     there today, and the only time                                           opened our gifts and rejoiced
                                The sooner the contract is          Metro Creative Connection      I heard from Ronnie were his                                             that we were together again as
                                                                                                   letters, which often arrived                                             a family. Like I said, Christ-
                                                                                                   weeks after he wrote them.                                               mas can come any time of the
                                                                                                      As the Christmas of 1969
                                                                                                   approached, I had not heard                                                 Dorothy Ann (Varady)
                                                                                                                                                                            Hersh, Bethlehem Township
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